What is a warm handover?

A Warm Handover is where you have a conversation with a client or patient and identify other support that they would benefit from that your organisation does not provide, but that you know others do. If the customer would like to be referred to another organisation in the Warm Handover Scheme, or you feel it is in their best interests, you  can pass their personal information on to those organisations by completing an online form and selecting which organisations the referral goes to. The organisations will then contact the client to offer support.

This process is to be used with vulnerable clients or those that you feel will not contact an organisation if you just signpost them to that organisation.

Why should I do this?

  • Services and organisations are ready to help you, and to step in and support your customers
  • The process is quick and easy - you just need to fill out the form and it will all be done
  • Partner organisations have come together to support clients in an efficient and holistic way and using the Warm Handover means that they do not have to keep repeating their story

What do I need to do?

Warm Handover high level flow chart













How to join the Warm Handover

Organisations wishing to join the Warm Handover Referral Scheme as well as the SIP are required to complete the Community Action Suffolk (CAS) HealthCheck self-assessment or provide equivalent evidence.

For more information about the CAS HealthCheck please see What is a HealthCheck